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5 Reasons Why Foreign Investors are Rushing to Turkey’s Real Estate Market


Turkey, a country located at the intersection of Europe and Asia, has been attracting an increasing number of foreign investors in recent years. A major area of investment is the real estate market, which has seen a surge in interest from international buyers.

This trend can be attributed to several factors that make Turkey an appealing destination for real estate investment. Foreign investors have recognized the potential for high returns on their investments in Turkey’s real estate market.

The country has experienced steady economic growth over the past decade, with increasing levels of urbanization and a growing middle class. As a result, demand for housing has risen sharply, leading to higher property values and attractive investment opportunities.

Thesis Statement: Five Key Reasons

There are five key reasons why foreign investors are flocking to Turkey’s real estate market. These include its strategic location, favorable investment climate, high rental yields, growing tourism industry and affordable property prices.

A Strategic Location: A Gateway to Emerging Markets

Turkey is strategically located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia and serves as a gateway to emerging markets in both regions. It connects Eastern Europe with the Middle East and Central Asia via land routes while also providing access to major shipping lanes for goods from across the globe. As such it presents a unique opportunity for investors looking for exposure to global economic trends.

In recent times Turkey has undertaken significant infrastructure development projects aimed at improving its transportation network as well as energy production facilities, making it even more attractive for foreign direct investments (FDI). Its geographic location puts it within easy reach of many new markets including Africa where Turkish firms have already begun making significant investments in transport infrastructure projects like roads or railways.

The Turkish government has also introduced several reforms aimed at increasing FDI including tax incentives that reduce the burden of taxes on foreign businesses operating in Turkey, thereby making it easier for investors to set up shop in Turkey. Additionally, there has been a concerted effort to streamline bureaucracy and reduce red tape making it even more attractive for investors.

Favorable Investment Climate: Stability and Growth

Turkey has been enjoying a period of political stability over the past decade, which is a major factor contributing to its attractiveness as an investment destination. The country has undergone significant reforms aimed at modernizing its economy and streamlining government services, which have reduced business costs significantly.

The Turkish government has also put in place policies designed to encourage FDI including tax incentives and streamlined bureaucracy. In addition, the country’s financial system is very stable with strong banking institutions that are well-regulated by the Central Bank of Turkey.

High Rental Yields: Steady Stream of Income

Investing in Turkish real estate provides an opportunity for foreign investors to earn high rental yields. This is due to several factors including low property prices relative to other European countries, strong demand from domestic renters who are priced out of owning property and high occupancy rates fueled by the country’s growing population.

Turkey offers high rental yields with returns ranging from 5% – 10%, which is significantly higher than most European countries. This makes it an attractive option for those looking for passive income streams or long-term investment opportunities.

Growing Tourism Industry: A Boon for Real Estate Investors

5 Reasons Why Foreign Investors Bet Big on Turkey's Booming Real Estate Market

Turkey’s tourism industry has been growing at an impressive rate over the past few years which presents a significant opportunity for real estate investors. The country has become one of the world’s top tourist destinations due to its unique cultural heritage sites as well as scenic beaches along its Mediterranean coast.

This growth in tourism has created demand for vacation rentals as well as short-term stays presenting foreign investors with another avenue through which they can earn rental income. The country’s government has also introduced several incentives aimed at attracting more tourists, including visa-free travel for many countries and major investments in infrastructure development.

Affordable Real Estate Prices: More Bang for Your Buck

Turkey offers some of the lowest property prices in Europe, making it an attractive destination for those looking to buy a property abroad. This makes it possible for foreign investors to acquire multiple properties at a lower cost compared to other European countries where property prices are significantly higher.

The affordability of Turkish real estate prices means that investors can get more bang for their buck when buying properties in Turkey. This creates opportunities for both short-term and long-term investments, with potential returns on investment often exceeding those of other European countries.


Turkey’s real estate market presents an attractive opportunity for foreign investors looking to capitalize on global economic trends while earning high rental yields. The country’s strategic location, favorable investment climate, high rental yields, growing tourism industry and affordable real estate prices make it a compelling destination for real estate investment. As such, now is the perfect time to invest in Turkish real estate before this opportunity passes by.

Strategic Location: Turkey’s Gateway to the World

Turkey sits at a unique crossroads of Europe, Asia and the Middle East. It has long been a bridge between these regions, and its location continues to be a major asset for investors looking to capitalize on global economic trends.

By investing in Turkish real estate, foreign investors can tap into several emerging markets all at once. Turkey’s strategic position allows it to serve as an important transportation hub between these regions.

Istanbul is home to one of the busiest airports in the world, offering flights to over 300 destinations worldwide. The country’s ports are also strategically located along the Mediterranean and Black Sea coasts, providing easy access to markets throughout Europe, Asia and Africa.

In addition to its logistical advantages, Turkey’s location also offers significant cultural benefits. Its history as a melting pot of civilizations has created a unique blend of Eastern and Western cultures, making it an attractive destination for both business and leisure travelers.

A Gateway To Emerging Markets

One of the main advantages of investing in Turkish real estate is access to emerging markets. As developing countries across Asia and the Middle East continue their rapid growth trajectory, Turkey is perfectly positioned as a gateway into these markets.

With its young population and dynamic economy, Turkey itself is an attractive investment destination for many foreigners looking for high growth opportunities. Investors can take advantage of low property prices while simultaneously gaining exposure to one of Europe’s fastest-growing economies.

But beyond its own borders, Turkey is uniquely positioned as a gateway into other emerging markets such as Russia, Ukraine and Central Asia. These regions are all experiencing rapid economic growth and offer significant potential for international investors.

A Smart Move in Turbulent Times

As global geopolitical tensions continue to rise and trade wars threaten economic stability around the world, investing in Turkey’s real estate market is a smart move for those looking to diversify their portfolios and hedge against uncertainty. Unlike many other emerging markets, Turkey has a stable political environment with an elected government and established institutions. The country’s recent reforms aimed at attracting foreign investment have also created a favorable investment climate, with tax incentives and streamlined bureaucracy making it easier than ever for investors to enter the market.

In short, investing in Turkish real estate offers a unique opportunity to capitalize on global economic trends while mitigating risk. Its strategic location, cultural advantages and growing economy make it an attractive destination for both short-term gains and long-term growth potential.

The Bottom Line

By investing in Turkish real estate, foreign investors can gain access to several emerging markets all at once while also tapping into one of Europe’s fastest-growing economies. Turkey’s strategic location as a transportation hub between Europe, Asia and the Middle East makes it uniquely positioned to benefit from global economic trends and offers significant potential for high growth opportunities.

Additionally, its stable political environment and favorable investment climate make it an attractive destination for investors looking to hedge against uncertainty in turbulent times. Overall, investing in Turkish real estate is a smart move for those seeking diversification and high growth potential.

Favorable Investment Climate

When it comes to investing in real estate, there are many factors to consider. One of the most important is the investment climate of the country in which you plan to invest.

In Turkey, foreign investors are finding a very favorable investment climate and for good reason. Recent reforms aimed at attracting foreign investment, such as tax incentives and streamlined bureaucracy, have made Turkey an attractive destination for investors.

Tax Incentives

Turkey is offering a wide range of tax incentives to foreign investors in order to encourage them to invest in its real estate market. For example, if you invest more than $1 million in Turkish real estate, you can become eligible for Turkish citizenship. This is a powerful incentive that cannot be overlooked.

Additionally, there are many other tax incentives available for foreign investors such as corporate income tax exemptions and reduced value-added taxes on certain types of investments. These incentives make investing in Turkey’s real estate market more attractive by reducing the amount of money that investors need to pay upfront.

Streamlined Bureaucracy

In addition to tax incentives, Turkey has also implemented various measures aimed at making it easier for foreign investors to do business in the country. One such measure is the creation of a one-stop-shop system for company registration and licensing.

This helps reduce bureaucratic red tape and speeds up the process of setting up a new business or acquiring property in Turkey. Another measure that has been implemented is the elimination of some regulations that previously made investing more difficult or time-consuming for foreigners looking to do business or purchase property in Turkey.

Stable Political Environment

Investing your hard-earned money into any country’s property market carries varying degrees of risk depending on various factors including the country’s political environment. Fortunately, Turkey is known for its stable political environment compared to many other countries in the region.

The government of Turkey has worked hard to maintain political stability by implementing democratic reforms, while also ensuring that the country is a safe and welcoming place for foreign investors. Furthermore, there has been a shift in Turkey’s relations with its neighbors in recent years as well.

The government has been working to improve its relationships with key partners such as Russia and Iran. These stabilizing measures not only help create an environment of trust but also provide a secure platform for investment opportunities in Turkish real estate.

Safe Bet

Given all these favorable reforms and policies aimed at attracting foreign investment, it’s fair to say that investing in Turkish real estate is a relatively safe bet when compared to other countries or regions where investments are more uncertain. Although investing always carries some degree of risk, the overall investment climate in Turkey is strong due to these favorable conditions.

This makes it an attractive destination for those looking to invest their money into property markets around the world. If you’re considering investing your money into real estate market abroad then Turkey should be on top of your list given the current favorable investment climate and stable political conditions coupled with tax incentives designed explicitly for foreign investors.

High Rental Yields: A Goldmine for Foreign Investors in Turkey’s Real Estate Market

Now, let’s talk numbers – rental yields in Turkey are among the highest in Europe. Yes, you read that right. Despite the country’s recent economic downturn, Turkish real estate has remained a lucrative investment opportunity for foreign investors looking to diversify their portfolio.

So what’s the secret behind these high rental yields? Well, for starters, property prices in Turkey are still relatively low compared to other European countries.

This means that investors can purchase properties at a lower cost and still generate a healthy return on their investment through rental income. Another contributing factor is the strong demand from domestic renters.

With a growing population and limited supply of quality housing options, landlords in Turkey can charge premium rents for their properties. In fact, according to data from Numbeo, average rent prices in Istanbul are over 60% cheaper than Paris while providing comparable quality of living.

But why should foreign investors care about high rental yields? It’s simple – it means more money in your pocket!

Investing in Turkish real estate can provide investors with a steady stream of passive income that can supplement or even replace traditional retirement funds or salaries. Furthermore, with globalization and digital nomadism on the rise, owning a property that generates passive income allows investors greater flexibility and freedom to pursue other ventures or travel without sacrificing financial stability.

High rental yields make investing in Turkish real estate an attractive option for foreign investors looking to diversify their portfolio with an emerging market opportunity that provides a reliable source of passive income. With low property prices and strong demand from domestic renters driving up returns on investment, it’s clear why many savvy investors are rushing into Turkey’s real estate market.

The Growing Tourism Industry in Turkey

Turkey has long been a popular tourist destination, and it’s not hard to see why. With its stunning coastline, rich cultural heritage, and friendly people, this country is a true gem. In recent years, however, Turkey’s tourism industry has grown even more rapidly than before.

In fact, the country broke its own record for the number of tourists it welcomed in 2019 with over 45 million visitors! One reason for this growth is Turkey’s increased marketing efforts.

The government has made a concerted effort to promote the country as an attractive tourism destination both domestically and internationally. This has included participating in international travel fairs and hosting events such as Istanbul Shopping Fest.

Another reason for the growth of Turkey’s tourism industry is increased infrastructure investment. New airports have been built or expanded in several cities across the country, making it easier than ever for tourists to access all that Turkey has to offer.

The Impact on Real Estate

The growing tourism industry in Turkey is having a significant impact on real estate as well. As more tourists flock to the country each year, demand for short-term rentals such as vacation homes and Airbnb properties is booming. Investors who purchase property in popular tourist destinations such as Istanbul and Antalya can benefit from high occupancy rates and premium rental prices during peak season.

However, it’s important to note that investing in real estate solely to benefit from tourism can be risky. The industry can be unpredictable due to factors such as political instability or changes in consumer preferences.


All five reasons discussed above contribute significantly to why foreign investors are rushing towards Turkish real estate market. Turkey’s strategic location at crossroads between Europe Asia and Middle East makes it an ideal location for businesses with global reach who wants easy access global markets while maintaining stable local operations. The government’s recent economic reforms further improve investment climate and make it easier for foreign investors to operate in the country.

The high rental yields offer consistent returns that are attractive to investors. Turkish real estate prices are relatively low compared to similar locations in Europe and recent trends suggest there is potential for capital growth.

The growing tourism industry offers opportunity of short-term rentals, giving investors another way to gain returns. Turkey’s real estate market is a great investment opportunity for those seeking solid returns on their investments and an ideal location for those looking at global markets from a stable local base point.

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